The Penn Computerized Neurobehavioral Battery (CNB) consists of a series of cognitive tasks, measuring accuracy and speed of performance in major cognitive domains, including executive functions (i.e., abstraction, sustained attention, working memory), episodic memory (i.e., verbal, facial, and spatial memory), complex cognitive processing (i.e., language reasoning, nonverbal reasoning, spatial processing), social cognition (i.e., emotion identification, emotion intensity differentiation, age differentiation) and processing speed (i.e., sensorimotor and motor). Notably, the CNB tests have been applied in neuroimaging studies and can be used either in a scanner as part of a functional neuroimaging study or outside a scanner for measuring individual differences in performance.
Developed by Dr. Ruben C. Gur and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, the CNB has replaced pencil-and-paper tests and, since it is available on the web it has been in use by investigators worldwide. The CNB has been translated to over 25 languages and is adapted for children and adults. The tests are formatted like computer games and puzzles, and are administered as part of a comprehensive neuropsychiatric assessment.
We are thankful to our patients, their families and all volunteers who have participated in CNB research over the years and still continue to advance our understanding of brain and behavior.
• Gur RC, Erwin RJ, Gur RE. Neurobehavioral probes for physiologic neuroimaging studies. Archives of General Psychiatry. 1992;49:409–414. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
• Gur RC, Ragland JD, Moberg PJ, Turner TH, Bilker WB, Kohler C, Gur RE. Computerized Neurocognitive Scanning: I. Methodology and validation in healthy people. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2001;25:766–776. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
• Gur RE, Kohler CG, Ragland JD, Siegel SJ, Lesko K, Bilker WB, Gur RC. Flat affect in schizophrenia: relation to emotion processing and neurocognitive measures. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2006;32(2):279–287. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
• Gur RC, Richard J, Hughett P, Calkins ME, Macy L, Bilker WB, Gur RE. A cognitive neuroscience-based computerized battery for efficient measurement of individual differences: Standardization and initial construct validation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2010;187:254–262. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
• Gur RC, Richard J, Calkins ME, Chiavacci R, Hansen JA, Bilker WB, Loughead J, Connolly JJ, Qiu H, Mentch FD, Abou-Sleiman PM, Hakonarson H, Gur RE. Age group and sex differences in performance on a computerized neurocognitive battery in children age 8-21. Neuropsychology. 2012;26:251–265. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
• Roalf David R, Ruparel Kosha, Gur Raquel E, Bilker Warren, Gerraty Raphael, Elliott Mark A, Gallagher R Sean, Almasy Laura, Pogue-Geile Michael F, Prasad Konasale, Wood Joel, Nimgaonkar Vishwajit L, Gur Ruben C: Neuroimaging predictors of cognitive performance across a standardized neurocognitive battery. Neuropsychology 28(2): 161-76, Mar 2014.
Ruben Gur, PhD, Director
(gur at upenn dot edu)
J. Cobb Scott, PhD, Neuropsychologist
(scott1 at upenn dot edu)
Tyler M. Moore, PhD, Psychometrician
Kosha Ruparel, Engineering Lead
(kruparel at upenn dot edu)
Andrew Zitelli, System/Web Administrator
Lucky Njokweni, Lead Developer
Satrajit Santra, Developer
Tobenna Oduah, Developer
Anu Harris, Project Manager
(Anu.Harris at Pennmedicine dot upenn dot edu)
J. Daniel Ragland, Ph.D.
Paul Hughett, Ph.D.
Matthew Kurtz, Ph.D
Larry Macy, Ph.D
Jan A. Richard, M.S.
Allison Port, B.S.
Chad Jackson, M.S.E
Jonathan Waxman, B.S
Adam Savitt, B.S.
Rob Baron, M.S.
Bryce Nichols, M.S.
Nicholas McAvoy, B.S.
Michael Pato, M.S.
Fred S. Barrett, B.A.
Faith Gunning-Dixon
Michael Hagendoorn, Ph.D.
Nicholas J. Phend, M.S.
Felipe da Silva, B.S.
Eirini Zoupou, B.A.